06 Designated as a Daegu "Star Company" (No. 2008-01)
11Awarded the "30 Million Dollar Export Tower" from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy
05Acknowledged as an Excellent Company in Daegu
04Selected as a Business Administration Technology Innovation SME (INNO-BIZ)
12Designated as a Leading SME(Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) in Daegu
11Awarded the "10 Million Dollar Export Tower" from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy
09Established a Branch in Asan, South Korea
01Established a Branch in Nanjing, China
12Awarded Silver Prize in the Korean National Quality Competition hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Resources (Hanmaeum Division)
11Received the Korea Productivity Center "Information Management System"
07Established the Corporate Research Institute (Registration No. 20021939)
12Established "GEORIM TECH Co., Ltd."
Founded "GEORIM Industries"
07Designated as a Global Leading Company (KICOX)
06Launched our Film Wound-Dressing Product 'GEODERM'
04Launched our Medical Brand 'GEONEX'
11Awarded for Outstanding Achievements and being a "Star Company" in Daegu
03Received Commendation from the Commissioner of the National Tax Service for being an Exemplary Taxpayer
12Received the "Gold Tower Industrial Medal" and Presidential Commendation
06Expanded and Relocated our Vietnamese Branch (Dai Dong)
05Designated as a Strong Global Company by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups
11Granted the Excellence Award of the "Star Company Cultivation Project" in Daegu
08Established a Subsidiary Type Disability Standard Business under the Korea Disabled Employment Agency
07Designated as a Representative Employment-Friendly Company in Daegu
01Designated as a Youth-Friendly SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) by the Ministry of Employment and Labor
12Designated as a Top 100 "Star Company" in Daegu
03Established a Branch in Vietnam
12Received the Technology Guarantee Fund's Venture Company Certification
05Designated as a Strong Global Company by the Small and Medium Business Administration (SMBA)
11Became a Certified Carbon Partner of LG Display
11Established a Branch in Dongguan, China
07Relocated our Headquarters (Seongseo 4th Industrial Complex)
05Received Presidential Commendation Award for SME(Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)